Friday, June 22, 2007

Just because

I'm feeling better, got a lot of sleep last night due to a huge dose of Seroquel. Only woke up once during the night because of the back pain. Yay! Stupid weather. An occurrence, by the way, is just part of our attendance policy. Too many of them are bad and can lead to public flogging (no, not really, just termination). Unfortunately, I don't know where I am at so I'm trying not to get into trouble with my attendance again.

Anyway, I just came across some things in my combination Blogging/Karaoke notebook from a few weeks ago, when Beth, Keem and I were over at Beth's mom's playing Trivial Pursuit.

One of the questions involved Michael Jackson forming a friendship with the Rabbi who wrote the book "Kosher Sex."

DM: "Kosher Sex?" What? Don't mix your milk and flesh products?

Keem had a question she couldn't figure out the answer to - about a large tenor who went on a diet and gained 25 pounds instead of losing the 25 pounds.

Keem: I know it! It's P! P! Why is only the P coming out? All I can see is P! Tenor - P - weighs a lot! I'm not going to get it on just P!

The answer, of course, is Luciano Pavarotti. She finally did get the answer, I believe, but I had to rush to the bathroom*.

Several years ago, while watching Last Comic Standing, I learned that it is very important to go to the bathroom before you start watching stand up comedy. Apparently this rule also needs to apply to playing Trivial Pursuit with your friends.

*I emailed her the other day and wrote the following - "I am currently doing the dance to the letter P."

Laurie (Beth's mom) started discussing what she would do if she learned that she had only a short time to live. She had quit smoking awhile ago.

Laurie: I want Camels. I don't need to save money. I'll try crack.