Monday, Monday, you sure are a pain in my tuckus!
I hate Mondays. A bullet point reason why:
- It is approximately 300 degrees inside my building.
- Okay, yes, that is a slight exaggeration. Not much of one but still, it is not quite that hot.
- However, it is 80 degrees outside and that feels better than being inside. That's not good.
- Although, thankfully my department is moving on Friday to a new building, a new state of the art building where we will have many new and exciting things.
- Including, but not limited to, air conditioning that ACTUALLY works!
- I came into work to find out that hey, once again, my computer has spyware on it. Oh, yay!
- Now I have to get a brand new system.
- So I'll probably lose everything that I have. Hmm, should perhaps start moving things to the shared drive so I can move it all back.
- I seem to have lost my keys.
- I am tired and cranky and slowly melting in a puddle of sweat.
That's pretty much it for the cranky bullet points. How about some happy ones?
- Keem and my old roommate Jeff was in town this weekend and he came over to visit yesterday.
- We had a cook out on our deck. It was a lot of fun.
- Even when the rain came pouring down.
- There's an overhang off the side of the building so we moved the table underneath it.
- Before the rain started, the umbrella over our table shot straight up into the air because of the wind.
- It just hovered for a good five seconds and then crashed off to the side.
- Mike, Jeff's best friend, caught it.
- Did Jeff, who was using my camera, manage to get one picture of this? Of course not.
- Kari, Eric and Josh were there as well. Josh decided Mike was his new best friend.
- We went swimming later. That was also fun.
- After Jeff and Mike left, we watched A Bug's Life. Love that movie.
- Even with 300 questions from Josh, it was still fun ("What did he say?" "Why did he do that?" "Is he the bad guy?").
- Today is my sister's birthday. She is 39. And has today off.
- I get to babysit on Thursday. The first time that I have been trusted alone with the child for more than 15 minutes. This should be interesting.
- I watched Little Miss Sunshine this weekend. Very cute movie.
Okay, I think that's it. I know I am behind on blogs. That's because I have been reading Buffy the Vampire Slayer transcripts again at work. Since someone noticed that I was actually blogging when it is verboten. I'm going to try to be good again. Hopefully I'll be able to get caught up in the next few days.