Thursday, November 06, 2008

These amused me

So Co-Worker Christine (not Christy) got married last month and then had her honeymoon/symbolic ceremony in Mexico this month. She sent out the pictures and there were some that caught my attention and, yes, amused me.

This was the view from her room. Very pretty. And yes, I am a little jealous.

This amused me because of the whole frog aspect. She also brought me back a Senor Frog's shot glass which one of my many frogs now looks like he is imbibing from it.

May I just say HA! I have felt like this many times. Probably a good thing I don't drive.

And I just thought this was a pretty clever way of saying "Please don't litter."

Congratulations to Christine and Wilder. I am very happy for them both and wish I could have been there to help them celebrate (Keem and I were invited but I ran out of PTO months ago. And there was no way I could come up with the money for it either).