Monday, January 17, 2005

Enter Breadman

Last night at The Chalet. There was karaoke. It was fun. Yeah. Like karaoke could ever be anything but fun. Anyway, for your amusement, I bring you the following conversation. The players are myself (DM), Beth (B (B2 was not there)) and Matt (M).

DM: Should I sing Black Velvet?

Beth nods.

M: What?
DM: Black Velvet.
M: Oh. Dana, just to prove how much I didn't hear you, I thought you said your boyfriend was made out of yeast.

We all laugh.

B: Write that down (because if we didn't blog about this stuff you would all miss out and I know you would be sad. Plus, hey, I'm old. How else am I supposed to remember it?).

I comply.

DM: The name of this post is Enter Breadman.

Matt laughs. Beth looks puzzled.

DM: Like "Enter Sandman (Metallica song that she and Michael sing)."

B (to Matt): Did you say yeast? I thought you said geese. I was thinking "Is he Canadian?"

Previous Comments:

At 3:05 AM, brooksba said...
DM,This was fun. I am glad that we tend to write down things, because we've proved how horrible our memories are. I don't think it has anything to do with you being "old" (which you're not, you are older than me, but that doesn't make you old, no matter how much we tease you - would we hang out with a geezer? (I'm joking about the term geezer. I just thought it was close to geeser. Hee hee. I'm losing it.))Okay, enough of my rambles.Beth