Thursday, January 20, 2005

A Meme about books? How absolutely perfect!

Beth actually beat me to DeAnn’s website one day and found this meme. It is about books so I obviously love it. Here’s how it works (from DeAnn’s blog):

Copy this list of 10 authors. Remove the ones not on your bookshelves and replace each of them with ones that are (replaced authors are in bold). The original list comes via White Pebble.

Beth’s list

1. Stephen King
2. Mary Higgins Clark
3. Jude Deveraux
4. John Grisham
5. Michael Crichton
6. JK Rowling
7. Dean Koontz
8. Nora Roberts
9. Jennifer Weiner
10. William Shakespeare
(I checked DeAnn’s list. Beth had nothing in common with her books. I have Shakespeare)

The other part of the MEME was (again taken from DeAnn's site):

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don’t search around and look for the “coolest” book you can find. Do what’s actually next to you.

Things My Girlfriend And I Have Argued About by Mil Millington. Sentence five – “He’d just be off, racing in the opposite direction, climbing into the ‘reduced to clear’ bins, putting anything he passed that was remotely hat-like on his head and beaming right across his face.”

This sentence amuses and scares me. The main character is talking about his youngest son and how he always wants to do his own thing. But if you just changed the pronoun to She, you could be talking about me. Because, apparently, I am five.

Previous Comments:

At 2:20 PM, brooksba said...
DM,"Because, apparently, I am five." I love that. See, you're not old. Beth
At 3:30 PM, The Lioness said...
HATE BLOGGER. Anyway, let's see if it accepts it now, im'm on the error page. DM dahling, I wrote the HTML for your categories, it's in the (e)mail, all you need is to copy-paste it in the place where your old, drab categories are. Enjoy!
At 4:26 PM, Firebear said...
Pg 123, fifth sentence:I can't tell you yet.(sounds like an old comedy act.What is the sentence?I can't tell you yet.Sure you can. Go ahead and tell me!I can't tell you yet!Just tell me so we can move on, damit!I CAN'T TELL YOU YET!You are so impossible!)
At 7:26 PM, Matt said...
Page 123, Sentence 5:"She could see slumped shoulders and dangling apelike arms which ended in long hands; she sensed feet somewhere in the black triangle of shadow thrown by the bureau, buth that was all."The book? I will leave that until the end of my comment. Let me just say that it is one of the most twisted, bizarre, and strange stories that this author has written. Not one of his best (hint #1, he is a man), it is not one of his worst, but it is one that will stick with you after you read it for quite some time. I loved your post DM, the sentence that you left on it made me think of Riley. Why? Remember the IRA picture? Look on my site to remind yourself, that sentence fits perfectally. You and him are five, and that is just awesome Dana, it really is. (Even though I find it odd that a five year old girl would have a boyfriend made of yeast....I still can't believe how much I was out of it at that exact moment.) MattP.S. The author is Stephen King and the name of the book is......
At 3:33 AM, brooksba said...
DM,Wait a minute. I was just over reading DeAnn's site and was about to leave a comment and then saw your comment. You had a dream that you were in a hot tub with Archie Bunker?!? You need to tell this story a little more so I'm not so freaked out. Now! Please? Please try to save the scared me. Where's your mannerisms post? I wanty! (Cause now I'm five.)Beth
At 10:48 AM, CarpeDM said...
Matt, it's Gerald's Game. I knew it the minute I read the sentence. That book freaked me the hell out.Beth, that's pretty much it about the dream. Weird, huh? Last night's was even weirder.