Sunday, February 20, 2005

Ten Things I've Done that You Probably Haven't

Thank God for memes. I'm just saying. Being sick has made me not creative. Stupid cold.

Anyway, this is from frog. And, while number 1 and 3 are the same as hers, what are the chances that anyone else will have done the same. But if they are, I want to hear about it!

1. Made caramel corn from scratch, by hand, in 15-gallon batches.

2. Wrote a play about the planets when I was 10 or 11 and forced the neighbor kids to act it out. I don't remember much about it except that it involved the Greek gods and goddesses the planets are named after.

3. Cried during a movie for the first time while watching ET ( Which started the trend to cry at all movies. Happy ending? I cry. Someone dies? I cry. Were you aware that Troy was a tear-jerker? I cried through the last hour. Same thing with Titanic). I also wave at the whale every time I watch Finding Nemo.

4. Lost my virginity in a laundry room to a man with a blue penis.

5. Call frogs green duckies.

6. Refer to myself as the Queen of the Universe and yet, have not been committed.

7. Met my grandfather for the first time when I was in my twenties.

8. Put a fishhook in my mouth on purpose.

9. Was hugged by LaVyrle Spencer at Waldenbooks.

10. Read both The Rock's and Meat Loaf's autobiographies.

Previous Comments:

At 3:43 PM, Matt said...
DM-All I can say is this, we would have one more thing in common if you had done #4, #8, AND #10 at the same time. That I have done. I will talk to you later, I had a great time last night, thank you again for the gifts. Later,Matt
At 1:51 PM, brooksba said...
Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh!Okay, I enjoyed this post and I should have commented before. I know you're sick (are you still sick?). Will you post something NEW and not a MEME soon? I seem to remember a comment when I went two days one time without a post. I'm going to channel you and get a little demanding about this. I want to know what is going on NOW. Please? (Innocent little smile.)Love you!Beth
At 4:03 PM, CarpeDM said...
You should talk. You tease me with your post about changes.Dang you!
At 11:38 AM, Firebear said...
I've done #10!