Saturday, August 27, 2005

Haven't done one of these in awhile

Ways I have been found. Some funny, some scary, some odd. If it pulled up a specific post, I linked it. My comments are in the parentheses

cancun,mexico ocean parasites
plastic rudd lethal weapon
Tattoos - Penguin tattoo, tattoo pirate ink (I don’t even want to know)
Love Portugal (well, who doesn’t?)
Xaveria Hollander (at least 3 different searches)
Duckies deli or Green Duckies or many other ducky searches (Do they leave comments? Of course not)
“Crystals in feet”
Grooey holes
A comment I left on Finslippy’s blog about my slight crush on Freddie Muniz
Underwater black lesbians (Huh?)
A comment I left on Suburban Bliss (About how my bed is unmade)
"I would have rocked your world" evolution
teeth fixing jacket veneer
Kotton Kandy
The stupid song "Picture" (no, that’s not the phrase that was used for the searches)
inward pinkies
take off my bra next
technorati search for Home Depot
"definition of a princess"rabbitch
Naked pictures of Tobey Macquire. Who is Tobey Macquire dating? What is Tobey Macquire working on (what I’d like to know is who are these people that are fascinated with Tobey?)
"What flower - color association are you?"
"the fighting tongs" listen (and several (at least 50) searches for Jordis Unga as well)
the-wanderer there-is girl-that-I'll-be-with-tonight
tammy pescatelli naked (hmm, haven’t had searches for her in a long time)
Young Mom Sex Kari (Excuse me? This is my baby sister you are asking about)
Picture of my breast
green runts hurt (I was hurt that they switched to watermelon instead of the previous lime. Apparently I’m not the only one)
People who don't drive
latin "it speaks for itself"
Beer Goggles
etymologic headphones (no clue. Can’t imagine that I’ve ever used that phrase)
"meet him in a swamp" yoda
A comment I left on Suburban Bliss (tons of hits. Not a single comment. Sigh)
Vittum (hello, possible family member. Where is my freakin’ comment?)