Tuesday, May 10, 2005

It's Up And Running

I am pleased to announce the grand opening of Cafe Press's newest store - The Johnny Fund.

Right now, the only thing we have is the cheesiest magnet ever. I'm serious. It's so pathetic. I am having the worst time trying to get the images to work and then Cafe Press limits the amount of the same type of product you can show (1 magnet per free store (Argh!)). I just might do multiple stores for different magnets (if I can get the stupid images to work! I am extremely frustrated. I could make better magnets at home by printing stuff off the computer).

Anyway, the base price for the magnet is $1.25. I set the price at $2.00, that would mean a whopping $0.75 profit that goes directly to bringing Johnny to Minnesota. I figured anything more would be way too much. I'm not even sure about the $2.00. I am still working with trying to get pictures from our trip to Portugal but, as I said, Cafe Press and I are having issues with what they will accept as an image. Apparently the images I do have do not fit so I'm working hard on getting this ready. Sigh. A Bloody Mad Anglo's work is never done.

Beth now has google adsense on her blog as well. So go on and click over there as well. As I was having the conversation with Johnny yesterday, she said she wouldn't be able to come over this year because she doesn't have the money to do it. I would really, really like to prove her wrong.

And hey, we're almost at $25 now! This is amazing. This all happened in a little over a week.

Behold - the power of our love for Johnny. Told you it was cheesy.