Friday, November 25, 2005

Football & Family

Thanksgiving went quite well. As I had mentioned in my previous post, Kari had told me they were going to be picking me up early. Actually, they didn't show up until 1 PM, the time I had been told that we would be leaving the night before.

When we got to Rob and Betty's (Rob is Eric's father, Betty is Rob's girlfriend), Josh walked into the living room, saw what was on the television and said the most horrible words a child could say "Football! Football, Daddy!" He's two. That is just so very wrong. But I don't know why I was surprised. Eric is a big sports nut and Rob coaches soccer.

It was good to see Mom. I was laughing at her because of her winter coat, a very thin, sweatshirt material. The woman lived in Minnesota for all of her life except for the past four years and suddenly forgets what the weather is like here.

This is the conversation Kari and I had when she told me that she was picking me up early.

DM: Hello Kari or imposter Kari (with Mom, Eric & Kari all using the computer, it's hard to know who is who)
K: Hello Dana,
K: Are you getting ready? We are coming earlier than originally discussed.
DM: What? How early?
K: We will see you in 20 minutes. Early.
DM: What?
DM: Are you kidding me?
K: Nope.
DM: You are on crack. Seriously.
DM: I bought a pie.
K: What kind?
DM: What kind of crack are you on? I don't know. The pie is Ande's mint chocolate.

The pie was horrible. The crust was soggy, the filling was both too sweet & too rich. About the only thing that I liked was the whipped cream with the mint chocolate shavings. Fortunately Betty had made 3 pies and they were all very good (I tried a sliver of each one).

Most of the day was spent watching Josh play. He loves his SpongeBob SquarePants baseball bat and has created a new game. It involves hitting his football with the bat, either by having someone throwing it to him or golfing. I am also pleased to report that he loves to be read to and it was not uncommon to have him bring a book over & climb into someone's lap. It was a little surprising when he picked up the cookbook but Kari was game to read it to him. He got bored with it quickly.

I have a ton of pictures, of course. I am getting frustrated with my camera because it is so bulky & also not very high on the mega-pixels range. I think mine is a 3. Mom's camera was pretty cool. It's also kind of bulky but it is 5 mega-pixels & took very clear pictures. I really want a camera like Beth's or Keem's but mine will do for now. My goal is to buy a new one before Beth and I go to Italy in 2007.

On the way home, Eric was his usual funny self. Josh was saying something that to me was complete gibberish but Eric understood him completely.

DM: How do you know what he is saying?
E: You break your foot & stay home with him for 3 months and you too can speak 2 year old.
DM: Yeah, I'll pass.

We then had a brief discussion as to what the best way to take to the Chalet was.

DM: Take Roselawn.
E: Why? I can take Larpenteur.
DM: Roselawn's faster.
E: How do you know?
DM: Because I have taken many a cab & it is cheaper to take Roselawn.
E: I'm going to take Larpenteur.
DM: If you take Larpenteur, you're an idiot.
E: Yeah, but I'm an idiot with a driver's license.

Needless to say, he got flipped off for that one while Kari and Mom laughed.

I had a great Thanksgiving and was glad that I got to see my Mom. I was also glad to see Rob & Betty again. Betty also had a ton of books for me so that was very fun & exciting. We were only able to take one box & a bag. They are in Kari's trunk right now, unfortunately. I wasn't going to drag them into the Chalet.

I promise there will be a karaoke post soon. I am working on it. I have to get caught up - I have four nights to work on. And there is karaoke tomorrow night! Sheesh. I am really behind. Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving.